Biden and Xi
spoke for nearly two hours Friday, according to the White House,
with the US setting the stage for a stern warning that Chinese firms
would pay a serious price if the Beijing government heeds Russian
President Vladimir Putin's
pleas for military and economic aid.
The call found the US surmounting one of its deepest-set foreign policy
fears -- risking an open clash with China while simultaneously facing
down Russia -- in another extraordinary geopolitical shuffle triggered
by the Ukraine war. It also put Biden in the odd position of seeking the
tacit cooperation of the nation seen as America's most powerful rising
foe to suppress its historic Cold War rival of the second half of the
20th century.
that China is known for ruthlessly pursuing its own interests and has
no interest in shoring up the Western-led world order that Putin is
seeking to buckle, it seems fanciful that Xi will choose what the US
sees as the right side of history on the Ukraine conflict -- at least
until its own economic self-interest dictates a change of course. And
US-China relations are so toxic that many analysts had been predicting a
new Cold War in the Pacific between the rivals, before the original
version reignited in Europe with Putin's invasion of Ukraine at the end
of last month.
theatrics of a call that was closely watched around the world cannot be
dismissed. Just by holding the conversation, and publicizing it heavily
beforehand, Biden sent a signal to Putin that his "no limits"
friendship forged with Xi in Beijing shortly before the invasion may not
be as significant as the Russian leader had hoped. The conversation
also fosters an impression that Washington sees China as the key global
power other than itself -- instead of Moscow.
comes as a surprisingly swift and effective Western and international
front has clamped a devastating economic, banking, cultural, sporting
and diplomatic boycott on Russia. Any significant help from China for
Russia could, therefore, be hugely valuable to Putin, possibly allowing
him to offset some of the isolation and economic blight in his country
and sustain his brutal Ukraine war longer.
Two US officials told CNN this week that
Russia had asked China
for military support, including drones, as well as economic assistance
following the invasion. The US also informed allies in Asia and Europe
in a diplomatic cable that China has expressed some openness to offering
such help. Both Russia and China have denied that there have been any
such requests.
pledge from Xi not to break international sanctions on Russia would be
seen as a major victory for Biden, though it's possible the Chinese
would seek concessions from the US for such a move -- possibly over
Trump-era tariffs.
A tough warning for China
of State Antony Blinken on Thursday offered a robust preview of the
call, saying that "China will bear responsibility for any actions it
takes to support Russia's aggression," and that the US "will not
hesitate to impose costs" on China if it does so.
comments were a barely disguised hint that Chinese firms could face
secondary sanctions if the government in Beijing offers aid to Moscow.
That would be a concern for Xi's government given the current slowing of
China's traditionally soaring growth rates and the economic
consequences of the latest Covid-19 surge. The US President may have
some leverage since Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Spanish
Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares on Monday that China was not a
party to the conflict and "still less wants to be affected by the
sanctions," according to the official Xinhua News Agency.
Xi's government has attempted to adopt a delicate balance throughout the Ukraine crisis.
has a clear interest in Putin's attempt to use the conflict to weaken
democracy, the West and the rule of international law. And if the United
States is bogged down for years in Europe, it could frustrate
Washington's goal of pivoting military, intelligence and diplomatic
resources to Asia to deal with broader consequences of China's rise.
China's long-term economic interests are also at risk if the Ukraine
war sends the global economy into reverse. So Beijing has sought to
create a diplomatic middle ground, refraining from criticizing Putin but
seeking to avoid going to a point of no return with the US -- and its
significant trading partners in the European Union.
China has not formally condemned the invasion, Xi did stress the
situation was "worrisome," that China was "deeply grieved" by the war
and that it would "work actively" to support a peaceful settlement.
Those comments came in a video call with French and German leaders last
week, Xinhua reported.
also endorsed comments made by its ambassador to Ukraine, Fan Xianrong,
that were quoted in a press release from the Lviv regional government.
"China will never attack Ukraine. We will help, especially
economically," Fan said in comments that appear incompatible with any
possible Chinese military aid to Putin's war effort.
But in line with a desire to discredit the US, China's media has also
amplified false Russian propaganda
that Washington had funded biological weapons labs in Ukraine. The
conspiracies are seen by Washington as a possible precursor to a "false
flag" event that Moscow might use as a ruse to deploy such weapons.
Biden White House is making the case that China's straddle on the war
is unsustainable. The issue appeared to have been the subject of tough
exchanges on Ukraine during a
seven-hour meeting
in Rome this week between US national security adviser Jake Sullivan
and Chinese foreign policy chief Yang Jiechi in Rome, which the US side
describes as "intense."
Biden's call on Friday was expected to be equally frank.
is an opportunity for President Biden to assess where President Xi
stands," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Thursday,
promising that her boss would be "candid" and "direct" on the call.
What could change China's mind?
US rhetoric running up to the telephone call, which almost verges on
scolding of China, would not seem likely to improve the chances of a
successful conversation. Xi, who has adopted an increasingly
nationalistic and belligerent tone in foreign policy, is unlikely to
want to seem to be bowing to US pressure. The American rhetoric might
also reflect the tense nature of most of the contacts between the Biden
administration and China so far in the US President's term. And it may
be indicative of low expectations in the White House of success on the
call following Sullivan's reception in Rome.
is showing every sign of trying to keep its options open and avoiding
committing itself beyond its own area of interests.
think there is a mismatch in the views about what the optics are," said
Scott Kennedy, trustee chair in Chinese business and economics at the
Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "Either
you are with Russia or you are with Ukraine and the rest of the world"
is one view, Scott said but, "I think China's view is that there is a
third path, an unaligned path."
the longer the war drags on, the harder China's choices could get, and
it might find itself forced to adopt a tougher stand toward Moscow --
one that could make Xi's new friendship with Putin look like a strategic
the long term, China has little to gain from a prolonged economic
crunch because of the war. While it has a strong trading relationship
with Russia, the value of its exports to the United States and the
European Union are worth many times more in dollar value. And Chinese
growth prospects are intertwined with the American and European
economies in a way that gives the West leverage if it were to sanction
China for aiding Moscow's war effort.
of higher crude prices could also hurt China's oil-thirsty
manufacturing sector. And the current year is also an important one for
Xi, who is set to secure a third term at the Community Party's National
Congress in the fall, cementing his status as one of his country's most
historic leaders alongside Mao Zedong.
disruption from Ukraine that worsens the knock-on effects of a new
Covid-19 wave, which saw restrictions imposed in the crucial southern
trading city of Shenzhen, could also disrupt Xi's hopes for a smooth
political year.
suggested several possibilities that could prompt Xi to reconsider his
current path regarding Russia. First, if the war starts to go even more
poorly for Putin and it threatens his own rule. "They don't want to back
a loser," Kennedy said of the Chinese. Then, if the so-far unified
Western front against Russia is sustained -- and might be turned on
China if it seeks to breach the sanctions barricade against Moscow -- Xi
might shirk from a serious confrontation.
course shifts were unlikely following the call. But if the President is
able to pry China even a slight bit away from Putin -- or give Russia
the impression he has done so -- he may be able to claim some progress.