President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
issued a joint statement today, saying both countries are “deeply
concerned” about the escalation of tensions in the region.
Here's part of statement:
“We evaluate the U.S. air operation targeting ... Soleimani and his entourage in Baghdad on 3 January 2020 as an act undermining security and stability in the region ... In light of the ballistic missile attacks by Iran against coalition military bases in Iraq on 8 January 2020, we believe that exchange of attacks and use of force by any party do not contribute to finding solutions to the complex problems in the Middle East, but rather would lead to a new cycle of instability and would eventually damage everyone’s interests."
statement added that both presidents have “always been against foreign
interventions and unilateral military actions” and urged parties
involved to “act in restraint.”
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