China's clampdown on harmful emissions puts ozone layer rescue back on track
(CNN)Here's some good news: when people put their mind to it, they can act on climate.
published on Wednesday has shown a significant drop in emissions of a
banned ozone-depleting chemical after China clamped down on its illegal production. As a result of this drop, the recovery of the ozone layer has resumed.
The ozone layer is the world's shield against ultraviolet radiation,
which is known to cause skin cancer. It has been significantly damaged
by dangerous man-made chemicals, including those known as CFCs.
Two studies that were published in Nature
on Wednesday and conducted primarily by scientists at MIT, in the
United States, and the University of Bristol, in England, show that
after a worrying spike in recent years, the emissions of one of these
ozone-harming gases, CFC-11, have dropped back to much lower levels.
Prinn, the director of the Center for Global Change Science at MIT and a
co-author of the new research, said the data was "tremendously
encouraging." CFC gases are also potent greenhouse gases and they stay
in the atmosphere for a long time, which is why the recovery of the
ozone layer will take decades.
emissions of CFC-11 had continued to rise or even just leveled off,
there would have been a much bigger problem building up," Prinn said.
molecules are made of three oxygen atoms. When CFC-11 is released into
the atmosphere, radiation breaks it down into chlorine, which then eats
into the ozone molecules, breaking them down and creating the more
stable oxygen molecules made of two atoms.
commonly used in refrigeration and insulation, CFC-11 was banned by
global agreement in the late 1980s, and was meant to be phased out
internationally by 2010. Initially, the agreement worked: the
concentration of the substance was declining and scientists estimated
the ozone layer would recover by 2050.
then in 2018, a team of scientists looking at data from the National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and Advanced Global
Atmospheric Gases Experiment, noticed the downward trend had abruptly stopped. In fact, their measurements pointed to an unexpected spike in the CFC-11 concentration.
The scientists were able to see the bulk of the emissions came from eastern China's Shandong and Hebie
industrial provinces and environmental activists, including the
Environmental Investigation Agency, then traced the emissions to
factories producing polyurethane foam.
The researchers said that after it became apparent the emissions were coming from China, Chinese authorities were quick to react, putting in new enforcement measures which led to the decline of the emissions.
global monitoring networks really caught this spike in time, and
subsequent actions have lowered emissions before they became a real
threat to recovery of the ozone layer," Prinn said.
the study says the emissions coming from China have declined, those
only account for roughly half the global total. Figuring out where the
rest is coming from is the scientists' next challenge.
will need to expand measurements and modeling to identify new sources,
and continue to keep watch," Prinn said. "Clearly this story shows that
... continuous vigilance is required. You can't stop measuring these
chemical species and assume the problem is solved."
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