Ottowa (CNN)The harrowing details of how so many Canadian seniors were left neglected and alone in long term care homes during the pandemic are an agony to accept, let alone, to share. But families say if they're silent now, they too, would be complicit in what they consider to be cruel and preventable deaths.
one was there to comfort her, to explain to her, that was the most
heartbreaking for me. And she really felt abandoned, that's for sure,"
says Nicole Jaouich as she describes her mother's last days in a care
home in Quebec.
mother, Hilda Zlataroff, was 102 years old and suffering from dementia
when Covid-19 was first detected in her long-term care facility in March
of last year.
family says she did not die of the virus but, as an in-room camera
placed there by her family painfully documents, she wasted away.
was unable to feed herself without assistance and the video, provided
to CNN by her family, shows her at times seemingly in pain, confused,
too weak to even hold a glass of water.
was heartbreaking for me to know that I wasn't there and that the last
six weeks of her life, she starved," said Jaouich as she shares the
anguish of watching her mother suffering on camera, but forbidden from
going to the care home to help.
"I was looking at my mother through the camera and she was breathing so heavily, you could see she was in pain," she said.
Canadian military brought in to help
weeks after initial lockdowns last winter, the situation in dozens of
care homes throughout the country, both public and private, grew so
grave that by the end of April it was fast becoming a humanitarian
crisis. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called in troops to help
in some long-term care facilities in the provinces of Ontario and
Trudeau said at the time that Canada was "failing" the elderly and promised that, "in the weeks and months to come, we will all have to ask tough questions about how it came to this."
date, nearly 22,000 Canadians have died from Covid-19. Many of the
families of the thousands of seniors who died in those care homes say it
is now time to answer those tough questions.
Coronavirus hit understaffed care homes hard
crisis began in the early days of the pandemic in March, when
provincial health officials across Canada sealed off hundreds of
facilities to family and visitors, believing they were protecting the
most vulnerable from the virus.
within weeks, families were horrified to learn that many of these
facilities -- already chronically understaffed -- were in a state of
what they described as chaotic.
was quite shocking to see what was happening there, for several days
people cannot get a hold of their loved ones," said Nadia Sbaihi in an
interview with CNN about her grandfather's death.
Quesnel was 94 years old when he died of Covid-19. He contracted the
virus in a long-term care facility outside of Montreal. His family
describes him as "larger than life" and still of sound mind but he died
of the virus within days last spring.
I regret something about those last days it's that we were robbed,
particularly in the first wave where we were not allowed to see our
loved ones and our loved ones died alone," says Sbaihi.
Some residents were left in soiled clothing and sheets for hours, report says
rapidly spread through hundreds of long term care facilities throughout
Canada. By June, the Public Health Agency of Canada acknowledged that 4
in every 5 Covid-19 related deaths were in long term care homes.
decision of the government to prevent family caregivers from going in
and to not provide for adequate personnel to provide even the most basic
care, that decision is completely unforgivable," says Patrick
Martin-Ménard, a lawyer representing families at a coroner's inquest now
underway in Quebec.
analysis released by the Canadian Institute for Health Information in
June showed that Canada's proportion of deaths occurring in long-term
care homes was double that of other developed countries.
a study released in Ontario by its advisory group on Covid-19 found
that crowding, especially in older facilities, and poor working
conditions for staff contributed to the high rate of mortality and morbidity in the facilities.
perhaps most shocking was a blunt and tragic assessment by the Canadian
military after they were sent into some of these facilities.
in May in the province of Ontario, the report documents allegations of
abuse and gross neglect in at least five care homes.
documents "dire" conditions where residents were not bathed for days,
vulnerable seniors were kept in soiled clothing and sheets for hours,
and where Covid-19 patients were allowed to wander.
accuses five long term care facilities in the Toronto area of having
inadequate hygiene and disinfection practices and further alleges that
staff ignored residents who were crying in pain, sometimes for hours.
Ontario's premier was quite emotional when asked about the report and vowed there would be "justice" and "accountability."
heartbreaking, horrific, it's shocking that this can happen here in
Canada. It's gut-wrenching, and reading those reports is the hardest
thing I've done as premier," said Doug Ford at a press conference in
Ontario public health officials reported last week that deaths in long
term care homes in Ontario from the second wave of Covid-19, which began
in September, have now exceeded those in the first wave.
the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, where the majority of nursing home
deaths occurred, have now introduced new training programs and
increased salary and benefits for staff at these facilities.
think we have to take a very long look at ourselves collectively and
think about the way that we have treated our elderly population, not
just during the pandemic but over the past ten, twenty, thirty years,"
says Martin-Ménard.
Families hope investigations will restore a sense of dignity
believes the treatment of many of their loved ones in care homes was
inhumane. She and other family members say that what should come of
multiple investigations, still ongoing, is to finally give the elderly
the attention and dignity they deserve.
not going to bring anybody back, but hopefully we can have answers ...
to give a voice to those who didn't have one or whose voices weren't
heard," she says.
says her mother would not have wanted her to accept what happened to
thousands of seniors in those care homes. And she says she's grateful
that she did finally see her mother in her last hours and give her the
comfort she was lacking in her final weeks of life.
I held her hand, her hands were so cold, and I was warming her hands
and she squeezed my hand ... three times. And this was such a moving
moment for me, and I told her 'Mummy I didn't abandon you.'"
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