From sermons to WhatsApp messages, these Britons are trying to dispel Covid-19 myths in minority communities
London (CNN)Christine Lloyd-Jones was at work when the first call came: One of her friends, Annette, 62, had died of coronavirus. The following day, as she ate breakfast, her phone flashed again. This time it was news of another friend, Lloyd, dead at 58. The next day, another call. Her friend Haydon, 51, was in the hospital. He died the following day. In the space of just five days, Lloyd-Jones lost three loved ones to Covid-19.
month on, the social care manager, who lives in London, has become a
one-woman publicity machine for members of the Black community,
encouraging everyone she knows to get vaccinated, so she won't have to
say goodbye to another friend or family member.
have been agonizing about writing this message but have decided that
this is what I have to do as a 59-year-old Black woman," read the
message she sent to everyone in her WhatsApp contact book. "I now
believe we must do something to halt the devastation and loss.
"I have decided to have the Covid-19 vaccine," she wrote. "This was one of the hardest decisions I have made in my life."
uncle died from coronavirus four days after the UK locked down last
March, and the twin sister of her friend Annette, called Paulette, also
lost her life in 2020. The twins are buried together. Yet Lloyd-Jones is
far from being the only member of Britain's Black community or other
ethnic minorities to feel unsure about taking a Covid-19 shot.
A report released by the UK Household Longitudinal Study
earlier this year found that 72% of Black British respondents said they
were unlikely or very unlikely to get a coronavirus vaccine.
to the same survey, those from Britain's Pakistani and Bangladeshi
communities were also hesitant, with 42% saying they were unlikely or
very unlikely to get vaccinated.
data the report was based on was carried out in November, prior to any
vaccines being approved, and those numbers are likely to have dipped in
recent weeks, as the shots are rolled out with few, if any, reports of
serious side effects.
Black people and those from minority groups are still thought to be
less willing to get vaccinated than their White counterparts -- a factor
which concerns health authorities and community leaders alike.
According to data from OpenSAFELY
-- an electronic platform from the UK's National Health Service that
documents coronavirus vaccine uptake -- Black people over 80 were around
half as likely to be vaccinated as their White counterparts, as of
January 27.
Skepticism fueled by injustice
From the outset, it has been clear that people from ethnic minority backgrounds have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19.
According to the latest report from the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS),
from October, Black men in England and Wales had the highest rate of
death involving Covid-19, which was 2.7 times higher than White men.
Women of Black Caribbean background had a death rate that was twice that
of White women in England and Wales. Additionally, the ONS found that
all ethnic minority groups, other than Chinese, were dying from Covid-19
at a disproportionately higher rate than the White population.
Khunti, an expert in Black and minority healthcare at the UK's
University of Leicester, believes that -- despite higher death rates --
vaccine hesitancy in Black, Asian and other minority communities was
should have prepared for this, since we have seen low uptakes in flu
vaccinations among minority communities," he told CNN. "People are
concerned about the contents of the vaccine because of religious and
cultural concerns."
said part of the problem was a lack of deliberate effort to reach out
to people from minorities: "We don't see the messaging coming down to
the channels that most ethnic minorities listen to, especially in the
languages they speak."
Other experts say skepticism around vaccines
is down to a lack of trust in medical and governmental institutions --
the roots of which can be traced back to colonialism and slavery.
can't disentangle where we are, in terms of medicine today, from the
experimentation on colonized and indigenous people," said Dr. Annabel
Sowemimo, founder of the organization Decolonising Contraception, and author of the upcoming book "Decolonising Healthcare."
think that these behaviors in minority communities are irrational or
erratic, but amongst the community it is well known that these things
have happened," Sowemimo said.
For 40 years, from 1932 until 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted tests on hundreds of Black men with syphilis in Alabama. The men, many of whom were faculty and staff from Tuskegee Institute, were deliberately untreated to assess the progress of the disease.
to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the study became
unethical in the 1940s when penicillin was recognized as the recommended
drug for syphilis treatment. Penicillin was not offered to the subjects
of the decades-long study.
Ever since this incident researchers must get informed consent from all persons taking part in studies.
In another case, the US-based pharmaceutical giant Pfizer
paid compensation to the families of 11 children who died, and dozens
more who were harmed, in Kano State, Nigeria, after some were given an
experimental anti-meningitis drug, Trovan, during trials in 1996.
suit alleged that the drug company did not obtain parental consent and
did not explain that the proposed treatment was experimental. The
Nigerian government said the drug caused deaths and deformities among
children and had been used without approval from Nigerian regulatory
agencies. Pfizer maintained that the trial was conducted with the
approval of the Nigerian government and consent of the participants'
parents or guardians.
And there has been at least one suggestion to experiment on Black people during the current pandemic too.
In April 2020, two French doctors
-- Dr. Jean-Paul Mira, head of ICU services at the Cochin hospital in
Paris, and Camille Locht, research director at France's National
Institute of Health and Medical Research -- suggested during a TV debate
that Covid-19 vaccines should be tested in Africa. The pair later
apologized after WHO's Director-General condemned the remarks, calling
them a "hangover from a colonial mentality."
'Health inequalities have been ignored'
These historical and modern injustices have fueled mistrust among some in Britain's Black and minority communities.
A lack of trust in public health providers was shown in a report by the UK's Joint Committee on Human Rights,
which found that more than 60% of Black people in the UK do not believe
their health is as equally protected by the country's National Health
Service (NHS) compared to White people. Women (78%) are much more likely
than men (47%) to feel that their health was not equally protected by
the NHS compared to the White population, according to the research.
inequalities have been ignored for a significant amount of time and
that breeds resentment," Sowemimo said. "It appears to members of
minority communities that the only reason they want to address it now is
because a failure to take the vaccine impacts everyone."
The speed of the vaccination's development has also fueled misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine.
need to counter misinformation with the facts as we know them in the
various ways of communication at our disposal," Dr. Tom Kenyon, chief
health officer at the Project HOPE organization, told CNN. "Eventually,
the facts will prevail and increased vaccination uptake will result."
The British government
has offered local councils in England more than £23 million ($31
million) to help fight misinformation around vaccines and encourage
those from high-risk communities to take the shot.
But many believe that vaccine hesitancy must be fought by empowering local and community voices.
have people that I know who are suffering," Lloyd-Jones told CNN. "The
fact is, if we want things to move on in terms of how the vaccine is
seen and received, the more people from Black and minority communities
take the vaccine, the more it will spur others on to do it."
Empowering community leaders
more than 100 mosques across the UK, imams are delivering sermons
aiming to reassure worshippers about the safety and legitimacy of
Covid-19 vaccines, part of an initiative from the Mosques and Imams
National Advisory Board (Minab).
his mosque in Leeds, northern England, imam and Minab chair Qari Asim
told CNN he is working to spread the message because he doesn't want to
lose another community member to the virus.
all have to play our part in this pandemic ... I have attended so many
funeral prayers and I see the trauma, pain [and] suffering that all of
us have gone through. Now we see light in the darkest of moments and
that light is the vaccine," he said.
believes that the messenger is just as important as the message. He
told CNN that due to a lack of trust in public institutions among the
Muslim community, the information needs to come from trusted local
experts, such as faith leaders or doctors.
imam says that misinformation is common and has found it is often
younger generations that urge older relatives not to get a shot.
young people it's a serious concern that they don't trust the vaccine,"
Asim explained. "With the elder generations, sometimes we feel there is
a language or a culture barrier and the only source of information they
have is their own family members."
Minab initiative uses experts from varied scientific fields -- from
nanochip experts to fertility experts -- from within the Muslim
community. They address everything from common concerns, such as vaccine
side-effects, to conspiracy theories around the shot.
this pandemic, what has really come to the fore is love, compassion and
being there for each other, so as an imam I feel I need to be there for
my community to help them make the right choice," Asim said.
Better representation to encourage uptake
Vaccine hesitancy is not unique to minority communities in Britain.
A survey released
on February 4 by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases found
that more than half of Black adults in the United States remain hesitant
to get a Covid-19 shot. The research found that only 49% of Black
adults plan to get the vaccine with 19% of those people saying they will
get it right away and 31% preferring to wait.
survey, which was conducted in December 2020, showed that older Black
adults and men are more willing to get the Covid-19 vaccine than
respondents in other groups.
example, 68% of adults age 60 and older said they planned to get the
shot, while only 38% of Black adults age 18-44 planned to take it. Many
of the younger respondents expressed distrust in the health care system
saying it treats people unfairly based on race and ethnic background,
according to the survey findings.
both sides of the Atlantic, experts say that authorities must work with
community leaders to help build confidence in coronavirus vaccines.
The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Britain's first Black female bishop and an ambassador for the Your Neighbour campaign,
a UK Church response to the pandemic, believes better representation is
one of the best ways to encourage vaccine uptake in Black, Asian and
other minority communities.
they can begin showing Black people and Black people of note, Muslim
people of note, taking the vaccine -- as well as the ongoing message
that we can keep one another safe -- that would go a long way,"
Hudson-Wilkin said.
also has to be some recognition that in the past things have not been
right and there has been a level of distrust," she added.
as a people, if we are not showing any sense of care and responsibility
for our own well-being, why should anyone else? We need to play our
part, that is why it's imperative we see people like us taking the
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