Two Ohio GOP lawmakers are proposing an annual state holiday in honor of Trump

Washington (CNN)Two Ohio Republican state lawmakers want to designate June 14 as an annual state holiday honoring former President Donald Trump.
a memo sent last week to members of the Ohio state House, GOP Reps. Jon
Cross and Reggie Stoltzfus called on their colleagues to co-sponsor
their bill, which looks to declare June 14 -- Trump's birthday -- as
"President Donald J. Trump Day."
The pair wrote that Trump "against great odds, accomplished many things that have led our nation to unparalleled prosperity."
show the 3,154,834 Ohio voters (a record and historic number of votes
received for President in Ohio) who cast their ballot to re-elect Donald
J. Trump that we as a legislature recognize the accomplishments of his
administration," the memo reads, adding that "the Ohio House believes it
is imperative we set aside a day to celebrate one of the greatest
presidents in American history."
Trump won the battleground state
in the November presidential election and earned its 18 electoral
votes, but ultimately fell short of the 270 needed to hold onto the
fell short in the election, but that doesn't stop us from recognizing
the good work President Trump has done," Cross told CNN. "The least we
can do is say thank you."
told CNN that he hopes to introduce the proposal as a bill in the state
legislature this month. Stoltzfus did not respond to a request for
other presidents have been commemorated by individual states. August 4
is Barack Obama Day in Illinois, the 44th president's home state where
the 44th President served in the Legislature and represented in the US
Senate, and governors in at least 40 states have signed official proclamations recognizing February 6 as Ronald Reagan Day.
June 14 is also a national holiday: Flag Day, which commemorates the
adoption of the American flag in 1777 by the Continental Congress. One
Democratic state representative, Jeff Crossman, told the Columbus Dispatch that "changing an existing federal holiday that honors the flag" is "disrespectful."
told CNN that the proposal doesn't look to interfere with federal
holidays, adding that commemorating a commander in chief on Flag Day
would be "great for any president -- they believe in our flag, which I
thought was fitting."
proposal comes as Trump is gearing up for his second impeachment trial
in the Senate over his actions leading up to the January 6 insurrection
at the US Capitol. California Democratic Rep. Lydia Sánchez has introduced legislation that looks to prohibit the use of federal funds to commemorate any president who's been impeached twice in the House.
Trump is the only president so far to whom the bill would apply.
looking at his full body of work," Cross said of Trump's actions
leading up to January 6, adding, "our country is better because of him."
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