Brazil plunges into crisis as a second wave and deadly new variant overwhelm hospitals
(CNN)A second wave of Covid-19 is ripping through Brazil, pushing hospitals and ICUs toward collapse and claiming record numbers of daily deaths.
While a new variant of the coronavirus spreads throughout the country, many Brazilians continue to defy mask mandates mobility restrictions following the example of President Jair Bolsonaro, who recently said people need to "stop being sissies" and "whining" about the virus.
consequences of that combination are deadly, experts say. "We are going
through the worst-case scenario since the beginning of the pandemic.
You just have to look at the trends in the average number of deaths,"
Gonzalo Vecina Neto, a Sao Paulo University professor of Public Health,
recently told Reuters television. "This could have been avoided and the
most important factor is gatherings."
has broken its own record three times this month for number of deaths
in a 24-hour period. On Wednesday, Brazil's Health Ministry registered a
devastating new high -- 2,286 lives lost to the virus. In total, more
than 270,000 people are known to have died due to Covid-19, making
Brazil's the second-highest national death toll after the United States.
22 of Brazil's 26 states, ICU occupancy has surpassed 80%. In the
southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, hospital patients must line up to
wait for beds as occupancy rates in intensive care units soar past 103%.
The neighboring state of Santa Catarina has already surpassed 99%
occupancy and is on the verge of collapsing, as cases surge throughout
the state.
hospital in Santa Catarina's capital, Florianopolis, is already beyond
capacity. David Molin, the hospital's head nurse, tells CNN his team is
exhausted and overwhelmed.
was here during the first wave and it wasn't like this. We are
completely overwhelmed, with our occupancy rate at over 100%. Many of
those patients who are waiting for an ICU don't make it," Molina told
CNN during a telephone interview.
Health workers blame gatherings
and other health care workers blame the recent surge of Covid-19 cases
on larges parties and gatherings that began around New Year's Eve and
continued through the pre-Lent carnival holiday and into today. Many of
these were held in defiance of local city and state restrictions.
week, Rio de Janeiro's Mayor Eduardo Paes announced a new curfew for
bars and restaurants throughout the city, limiting hours of operation
from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. But hundreds of people stayed out anyway -- 230
curfew-related fines and closures were issued from Friday to Saturday
alone, according to the city government. At one bar, more than 200
mostly-maskless partygoers were found at a party that had been going for
seven hours, reported CNN affiliate CNN Brasil.
municipal and state health officials and lawmakers blame Bolsonaro's
government for undermining their efforts to slow the spread of the
coronavirus. And the country's National Council of Health Secretaries
(CONASS) has asked the federal government to adopt stricter measures to
support hospitals and enforce social distancing.
health system in Brazil is on the verge of collapse," Sao Paulo
Governor Joao Doria told CNN's Becky Anderson during a recent interview.
"There is no national coordination to combat the pandemic in Brazil. It
would be important for the President and the governors to send the same
message to the population, but this unfortunately, doesn't happen in
issue of social distancing measures and lockdowns has become a
political football in Brazil. While Doria ordered nonessential
businesses to close for two weeks in his state last weekend, Bolsonaro
claims that such restrictions sink Brazil's economy and lead to an
increase of suicides and depression. He has made disobeying health
guidance a point of pride, congratulating agricultural workers at an
event last week for not staying home "like cowards."
have to face our problems. Stop being sissies, enough whining, how long
are they going to keep on crying? We have to confront the problems,
respecting the elderly, those with illnesses, chronic conditions. But
where is Brazil going to end up if we all stop?" he said.
week, Bolsonaro declared that he had the "power" to declare a national
lockdown -- but would never do so. "My army is not going to force the
people to stay at home," he said.
Fears over new variant
Brazilian hospitals overloaded and government officials divided over
lockdown measures, the country has few defenses against a coronavirus
variant that may be even more contagious.
preprint of a new modelling study by researchers in Brazil and the UK
suggests the variant first detected in the northern city of Manaus late
last year, known as P.1, may be up to 2.2 times more transmissible.
study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a medical
journal, suggests that even people who have already had the coronavirus
could be vulnerable. The same study showed that the P.1 variant could
evade immunity from previous Covid-19 infection by up to 61%.
variant is now prevalent in Covid-19 patients across at least six
Brazilian states, according to a study earlier this month released by
the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a Brazilian Ministry of Health
research institution. P.1 has also been detected in the United States,
United Kingdom and neighboring Venezuela.
emergence of new variants, which combine both the potential to be more
transmissible and the absence of broad and articulated mitigation and
suppression measures, are highly worrisome," the study's authors wrote,
urging Brazil to encourage behaviors that limit the viral spread.
data showing the prevalence of this variant in several states and its
ample spread throughout the country, as well as the challenges presented
due to its high level of transmission, reinforce the immediate need to
adopt non-pharmaceutical measures in order to reduce the speed or its
spread and the increases in cases."
Naveca, virologist and researcher at Fiocruz Amazonia and one of the
main authors of the study, told CNN that the Covid-19 virus and the
different variants and strains are likely to get stronger if not
is what viruses do: They evolve, they get stronger. The only way to
stop it is to contain its spread, which is why we need restrictive
measures -- there is no other solution. Even if the Government decrees a
national lockdown, we need the population to adhere. The action of each
one of us will impact everyone as a whole," Naveca said.
could be on its way, in the form of vaccines. But Brazil's vaccination
rollout was slow in comparison to other countries, including others in
the region, like Chile and Mexico.
January, health regulator Anvisa authorized emergency use of vaccines
by Sinovac and Oxford/AstraZeneca. Since then, roughly 4% of Brazil's
211 million citizens have received at least one vaccine dose, according
to data from the Brazilian Health Ministry, and 2.3 million have had two
to the Health Ministry, Brazil is in negotiation to buy Pfizer,
Moderna, Janssen, Sputinik and Covaxin vaccines as well, though only the
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine among those has been granted authorization from
had long promoted the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine as the only one he
would back, dismissing and discrediting many of the other vaccines on
the market, including Pfizer's. Brazil's health minister Eduardo
Pazuello even turned down an August offer from Pfizer to purchase up to
70 million doses of its vaccine.
says this very clearly on the contract, 'we are not responsible for any
collateral side effects' - if you turn into an alligator it's your
problem," Bolsonaro said in December. "If you become Superman, or grow a
beard as a woman, or a man's voice becomes high pitched, they say they
have nothing to do with that."
a New England Journal of Medicine study now suggests that the
Pfizer/BionTech vaccine could "efficiently" neutralize the P.1 variant.
The news came as Bolsonaro held a virtual meeting Monday with Pfizer
Global CEO Albert Bourla and other executives to negotiate the purchase
of 100 million vaccines.
thank you for this meeting and we recognize Pfizer as a great world
company," Bolsonaro said, during an excerpt of the meeting posted to his
official Twitter account. "We would like to close these deals with you,
even more given the aggressiveness of this virus in Brazil."
now, Brazil's failure to contain the virus is increasingly a cautionary
tale for the world. Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the
World Health Organization's Health Emergencies Program, said at a
briefing last week that he worried the country's surge in cases could be
repeated elsewhere.
story in Brazil can be and will be repeated elsewhere if we stop
implementing the measures as we need to implement them," he said.
"Countries are going to lurch back into third and fourth surges if we're
not careful."
For Molina, the exhausted Santa Catarina nurse, Brazil's future seems bleaker than ever.
I don't think we've learned our lesson," Molina said. "We [health
workers] are tired, exhausted and are getting sick. We feel powerless.
We need a more coordinated action if we're going to keep this from
happening again.
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