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Covid: The roadmap out of lockdown in Sylheti

The prime minister has announced his plans for gradually easing Covid restrictions in England.

The "roadmap" reveals that the lockdown will be eased in four stages. The first stage, beginning on 8 March, will see schools reopen, two people allowed to socialise outdoors, and care home residents able to receive one regular visitor.

The second stage, from 12 April, will see non-essential shops, gyms and hairdressers reopen, plus people in groups of up to six will be allowed to meet in outdoor hospitality spaces.

From 17 May, more people will be able to socialise indoors in spaces like pubs and restaurants. This roadmap eventually leads to 21 June when, all being well, the prime minister hopes limits on socialising can be removed.

BBC Asian Network is helping the South Asian community to understand the new plans in five languages: Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Sylheti and Gujarati.

Poppy Begum runs through the roadmap in Sylheti.

BBC News


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